
Formerly Salon Juan

Making the Decision: A Guy’s Guide to Great Hair PT.4

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I use to go to the gym and play sports regularly. But after first getting my hair system, I grew a bit weary of engaging in these sweaty activities thinning it would cause the bond to detach.

2 months into wearing a hair system, I can say that workout/sports myth is debunked! I have not found any strong correlation between engaging in high intensity, high sweat activities and my bond growing weak.

If you do feel that your workouts are chasing the bond to grow weaker, I would recommend the following:

  • Check out my previous blog post to understand why you might feel your bond is becoming loose.
  • Ask your hair stylist if Pick B (stronger medical adhesive) is a better option for you. Pick B is generally used for folks who work in high intensity environments, like construction workers.
  • Clean your hair after working out. A sweaty scalp is bad, with or without a hair system. Be sure to active about keeping your system and head clean to avoid leaving sweat residue.

Overall, don’t sweat it! Sweating won’t cause your system to come off, but be sure to clean it well after working out.